You've LinkedIn, mastered Twitter, have your fair share of Blog followers and finally set up your Facebook Business Page - now how do you know if it's working for you?
If the social media landscape could be segmented into four main usages (expressing, sharing, networking, playing) and is structured around social platforms, this is what it would look like. Decide how you want to use your marketing efforts then plug into the communities that will best benefit your needs.
A 2009 survey conducted by The American Management Association and The ePolicy Institute, twenty-seven percent (27%) of companies have policies that directly address what their employees can post on their personal social networking page. like to think that what they do on their own time is their own business, but that's not always the case. According to the survey, two percent of companies have discharged employees based on the content of their social networking pages. Businesses that boast having a social media/networking policy should be certain to apprise employees of the policy, its content and consequences. That way they can't cry 'foul play!'
What are thoughts?
Does your company have a social networking policy?
I this too much 'Big Brother' for you?
Foursquare is the latest craze among the social media savvy. Members actively use the site to check in with friends from other social networks - including Twitter and Facebook. The Foursquare app that is downloaded onto any smartphone, lets members update each other of their whereabouts. The same app can be downloaded and used by logging onto the Foursquare website.
So how can business owners help members "unlock the world of Foursquare? After creating an account, members can immediately start to reach out to your friends from anywhere you are. Business owners establish a business account and can, also immediately start to use Foursquare as leverage to your marketing campaign. Engage your Foursquare mobile clients with " 'Specials' which are discounts and prizes that you offer to your loyal customers when they check in on Foursquare at your venue". Promote your business' involvement on Foursquare by posting the information on your Website, Blog site, Facebook and Twitter pages.
Need more info?
Check out this short informational video
What's your thoughts on Foursquare?
How will you use this platform to promote your business?