Full Disclosure

(pic via here::special thanx)

This Blog Follows the Andy Sernovitz' Policy of Comments & Disclosure
(I tried to say it as eloquent and straight-forward as he, but it just didn't work.  So... why reinvent the wheel?  Thanks Andy!)

"You are invited to comment, and I look forward to hearing what you have to say. Comments are open but I’ll delete those that are off-topic, spammy, overly self-promotional, abusive, inappropriate, or uncivil in any way. You can say what you want on your own blog, but you can’t use mine unless you’re cool decent about it.

My comment form isn’t a place for you to advertise. If you abuse it, there is a good chance that I will publicly make fun of you.

Feel free to debate or disagree with me, but please identify yourself as I do here. It’s hard to have a good conversation with a coward someone hiding behind an alias. Anonymity has an important role online, but it also empowers  the cowardly sniper anyone who wants to disrupt and destroy a conversation without contributing. Disclosure forces imbeciles people to be honest and take responsibility for their own words".

And just like Andy, this blog adheres to the Shel Israel Living Room Policy

“If you came into my home and were rude to another guest, I would ask you to stop. If you continued to be rude, I would ask you to leave. From this point forward, this is what I will do. If I feel you are being abusive, hogging the conversation or otherwise discouraging the open exchange of legitimate points of view. I will ask you to be more polite. If you ignore the request, I will ban you from further comments. I call this the Living Room rule and I will enforce it subjectively. … If you have something to say, and you want to be credible, you will need to identify yourself, and I encourage you also to identify where you are coming from, so that others may assess how strongly they wish to value your opinions.”

As For DISCLOSURES:: you can read about those here.

 I do not share Email addresses and presently do not collect any personal information (outside of your email address) from respondents to this blog.