Friday, January 15, 2010

Does Your Landing Page Have Curb Appeal?

(pic via here::special thanx)

Visitors are great, but leads are better.  An effective landing page is essential to changing your 'Followers' to leads/clients.   It is the first point of contact for your potential clients.  Is your page's content a logical extension of the advertisement or link that initially brought potential clients to you site?  Is the page optimized to feature specific keywords or phrases (for indexing by search engines) ?  Does your page allow for interactions that a useful and pleasant experience for potential/actual clients?  Is it structured to appeal to your target audiences?

Information on your landing page should be relevant to the visitor.  If your landing page functions as reference type of page, then your marketing goals is to focus on lead generation and interaction with the visitor.  Effective landing pages meet the objective of the publisher with its success being measured by the revenue value of the advertising that is displayed on them.

Trying to persuade your visitor to respond and/or complete a transaction?  The goal of this type of landing page, referred to as transactional, is being the immediate or eventual sale of your product and/or service. 
If information is to be captured, the page will usually withhold information until some minimal amount of visitor information is provided, typically an email address and perhaps a name and telephone number as well – enough to "capture the lead" and add the prospect to a mailing list..

The overall goal of your landing page is to improve the percentage of visitors to your website that become sales leads and customers .  Frankly, to convert more visitors into sales leads or better still - clients.

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