Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I'm a Nonprofit...How can Social Media help Me?

{pic via here::special thanx}

For organizations that depend on the generosity of interested supporters, social media marketing is a natural fit.  Organizations that are deeply connected to their audience and memberships, (ie, theatres, musuems, 'relief and aide services', family focused organizations) have a tendency to have strong contact information on which to establish content and experiences.  This solid connection makes it far easier to generate social media  'conversation'.  The central points of nonprofits often times are the volunteer efforts and/or donor support of these strong contact.  People taking an active interest in what they do is the lifeline of nonprofit organizations.  So what are the challenges in marketing for nonprofits?

The for-profit sector is filled with products that we either need and/or want.  For example, people know that they need footwear.  Most people turn to manufacturers that they have had a desireable past experience.  Support for and the use of these products/services that are familiar to us is assured (at some level).

In the world of the nonprofit, it's not quite that easy!  Services such as The Red Cross aren't appreciated until and unless one finds themselve in some disaster situation.  Theatre &  musuems are not necessarily high on most lists of "Things that I can't do without".  The challenge to these organizations to maintain high level of community participation & visibility is grounded in their ability to consistently drive awareness and keep people passionately involved.

Because of all of its challenges, the use of social media platforms are an invaluable marketing tool for nonprofit organizations.  Because the success of, both, nonprofits and social media marketing is rooted in an active community, and is consumer driven- production is very low.  The basic principle of social media is that, 'if you have a product and/or service that is being used/consumed by customers-some is talking about your business.  Whether your business is a for-profit or nonprofit organization/business is not the issue as much as maintaining an awareness of what people are saying.  This is the common challenge for any business/organization servicing a market.  Social media platforms are the equalizer.

Do you have an experience in using social media marketing practices as a nonprofit organization?  What's your take?

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